Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

When you leave

Once you have recovered from the acute phase of your surgery or illness, it is usual for you to continue your recovery at home. The staff caring for you will keep you updated regarding your planned discharge date. If you foresee any problems returning to your usual residence please discuss the issues with the staff caring for you or ask to see the Discharge Planner as soon as possible, so that plans can be put in place for your return home. Before your discharge the ward nurse will inform you when to make appointments for follow up, order any medications you are to take home and make any other arrangements necessary for your after care.

On the day of your discharge it is expected that you will vacate your bed before 10.00am. If you are organising to be picked up, please make arrangements to fit this timeframe. If your transport is delayed you may be asked to vacate your room and wait in the lounge area of the ward or in the main foyer until you are picked up.

If you have had a general anaesthetic or sedation within the past 24 hours you will need to be accompanied home by a responsible adult. You should not drive a car, operate machinery or domestic appliances, conduct important business or drink alcohol for at least 24 hours following your anaesthetic.

Before you leave please ensure you have all your personal items, medications and follow up instructions.
